The Fundamental Principles of Action

In a podcast featuring Vinod Khosla, he talked about how all forms of education (in our current institutions) stem from a handful of core principles. The 1st implication: we don’t need to to teach students everything about everything, we only need to teach them the core principles and they’ll be able to learn the topics of their choice on their own. The 2nd implication: if we train a ML model on these principles, then it could absorb knowledge quickly and teach all students.

I think you could boil all things down to core principles - even something as large as the accumulation of all human behavior. Here are the fundamental laws that I think dictate every one of our actions. 

  1. The law of limit and value
  2. The law of intrinsic inequality
  3. The law of group over man
  4. The law of mutual gain
  5. The law of sacrificial sustenance
  6. The law of extended action ( → effect of truth)
  7. The law of extended wealth
  8. The law of expected outcome

I’m going to write a post on each.